“The truth always comes out, one way or another.”
Your friend quit her job recently but hasn't told her parents. You think that she should stop lying to her parents, so you tell her this.
The truth always comes out, one way or another.
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one way or another/the other
Use the phrases "one way or another" or "one way or the other" to talk about something that's going to happen, no matter what.
This can be some goal that you really want to accomplish:
We will make it to the playoffs, one way or the other.
Or it can be something that can't be avoided:
She's going to find out, one way or another. You might as well be honest with her.
The truth always comes out.
"The truth always comes out" is a saying in English that means that it's impossible to hide the truth. If you try to hide some information, eventually the truth will "come out", meaning that people will find out the truth.