“I'd appreciate any feedback you can give me on the content, as well as the spelling and grammar.”
You've written a cover letter for a job interview. You'd like your English tutor to review it for you. You want her to correct your mistakes, and also to suggest improvements. You write in an email to her:
I'd appreciate any feedback you can give me on the content, as well as the spelling and grammar.
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I'd appreciate (something)
This is a way of asking for something. Depending on the situation, it can seem either polite or angry. Here are some situations in which it seems polite:
I'd appreciate any change that you can spare.
I'd really appreciate it if you could pick Manny up from daycare and watch him for a while this afternoon.
Here are some situations in which it seems angry:
I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me before doing something like that.
I'd appreciate a little more effort in practice from you.
give (someone) feedback on (something)
"Giving feedback" means telling the person who did something how good or bad it is. In the example above, the English learner is asking her tutor for help with a cover letter. The tutor is going to tell her how good or bad each part of the letter is.
Use the word "on" to indicate the topic of feedback:
He gave me some great feedback on the structure of the presentation.
Did you get any feedback on the new color?
In writing, "content" means the actual ideas and information that you write.
"Content" can be contrasted with "style", which means the way that you write. Style includes the words that you choose and the way that you organize your sentences. "Content" can also be contrasted with "mechanics", which means spelling, grammar, capitalization, etc.
Notice that "contents" (with an "s") has a different meaning. It means what's inside of something, like the contents of a book or the contents of someone's purse.
spelling and grammar
When these words are combined, it's most commonly in this order, with "spelling" first.