“I was on the verge of going to sleep at one point.”
You went to an extremely boring movie last night. You could hardly stay awake. You tell your friend how terrible it was.
I was on the verge of going to sleep at one point.
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on the verge of (doing something)
To be “on the verge of” doing something is similar to being “about to” do something. It means you are very close to doing it.
They were on the verge of closing down until the economy improved.
Yeah, I was on the verge of saying something but decided to keep quiet.
at one point
Say this when you’re telling a story, but don’t need to give a specific time for something that happened.
At one point we stopped at a gas station.
At one point their microphone stopped working.
“At one point” is used for something that happened in the middle of an event, not at the beginning or end.