“Every time he cooks, he leaves grease spattered all over the stovetop.”
You and your husband are chatting with another couple at a party. You're talking about who usually cooks in each relationship. You usually cook because your husband is too messy. You tell the other couple about how messy he is.
Every time he cooks, he leaves grease spattered all over the stovetop.
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Every time (someone) (does something), (something happens)
This expression describes a situation that often happens, especially a negative situtation:
Every time I ask her to help out, she gets all angry and defensive!
Every time we eat here, they screw up our order.
So what do you say when something good consistently happens? "Always"
You're always smiling whenever we see her.
grease spatters all over (something)
When you cook something in oil, the oil or grease sometimes pops out of the pan and falls somewhere in your kitchen. You can describe this by saying that the oil "spatters" on your stove, your counter, your floor, etc.
"Grease" is another word for "oil". It sounds dirtier, though.
Other things that can "spatter" are:
- blood (when someone is shot, for example)
- rain (when it's being described in a novel or short story)
- pee (when a man uses the toilet)
a stovetop
The top part of a cooking stove is called a "stovetop".