“Don't you think she has your, kind of, pointy ears?”
Your friend just had a baby. You're visiting her at home and admiring the baby. You point out that the baby's ears look exactly like hers.
Don't you think she has your, kind of, pointy ears?
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(someone) has (someone's)(feature)
This expression describes someone having a feature (like eyes, nose, chin, etc.) that looks like their parent's. For example:
You have your mother's lips.
Don't you think she has your ears?
You can also use this for personality features that a child shares with a parent:
He has his father's stubbornness.
You usually don't use "___ has your ___" to talk about people who aren't related, even if they do look alike.
kind of (adjective/adverb)
"Kind of" means "a little" or "somewhat". People often use it in spoken English:
It kind of took me by surprise.
You can use "kind of" before an adjective ("kind of shy") or before a verb ("kind of took me by surprise").
Another phrase with a similar meaning is "somewhat":
Most students find that university courses are somewhat more difficult than the classes that they took in high school.
"Somewhat" is more formal. Use "kind of" for most situations and "somewhat" when discussing academic topics or in writing.
The pronunciation of "kind of" sounds like "kinda".
Don't you think (something)?
Use this question to ask for agreement from a listener. People use this expression when:
- they're making a suggestion carefully:
Don't you think you should ask someone for help?
- they want the listeners to feel included in the statement
Don't you think he's lost a little weight?
- they want the listener to admit that something is true:
Don't you think you're too old for that?
pointy (something)
Something that has a sharp angle is "pointy":
I got poked in the eye by a pointy stick.