“Did you know that in Brazil and Peru, voting is compulsory?”
You're talking with a friend about voting. She mentions that not many people vote in the U.S. You've heard of some countries that make all citizens vote. You share this fact with her.
Did you know that in Brazil and Peru, voting is compulsory?
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Did you know (clause)?
Share interesting facts with other people using sentences starting with "Did you know...?"
For example:
Did you know that peanuts are not technically nuts?
When you share information this way, the listener understands that you think the information is interesting.
When you ask "Did you know...?" in this way, the stress is usually on the word "you".
(something) is compulsory
The word "compulsory" means "required". Talk about things that someone is required to do by law this way:
In my country, military service is compulsory for all male citizens.
Attendance is compulsory.
I think they have a compulsory voting system there.
The word "compulsory" is very legal-sounding. We don't use it much in daily conversation.