“A woman wants a guy who she can click with, in terms of, like, her interests and hobbies.”
Your friend is complaining about not having a girlfriend. He usually just watches TV during his free time. You explain to him why this might not be good for finding a girlfriend.
A woman wants a guy who she can click with, in terms of, like, her interests and hobbies.
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The word "like" is controversial in English. Some young people use it a lot while speaking, while other people think it makes those people sound stupid.
In the example above, the speaker uses "like" in the middle of the sentence to emphasize the word "hard core". Here are some more examples of that:
That's, like, the biggest one I've ever seen!
Our flight back was, like, 18 hours long!
a guy
When women are discussing men's attractiveness with each other, it's usual for them to call the men "guys":
What kind of guys are you into?
I met a really cute guy in my Spanish class.
in terms of (something)
The phrase "in terms of" explains what standard you're measuring something on. In this example:
Whether they're growing in terms of revenue, I'm not so sure.
...the speaker wonders whether the competitor is "growing in terms of revenue". A company can grow in several ways, including revenue, profits, number of employees, number of stores, and in other ways. The phrase "in terms of revenue" explains how you're measuring the growth.
Other examples include:
A woman wants a guy who she can click with in terms of her interests & hobbies.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years in terms of your career?
click with (someone)
To “click with” another person is to have a strong, effortless personal connection with them. If you meet someone and talk for an hour without any awkwardness, you probably 'click' well with this person. For a romantic relationship, this “click” is especially important:
I didn’t really click with anyone I met on any of those online dating sites.
We probably wouldn’t use this term in formal or business writing, but it’s quite common in speech and casual written communication.
hobbies and interests
A "hobby" is some activity that you do for fun. Here are some examples of hobbies:
playing softball
collecting old cars
A person's "interests" are things that they like and are interested in. Some examples of interests:
- politics
- celebrities
- science
We often use the words "hobbies" and "interests" together, usually in that order:
If you want to get to know someone, ask them about their hobbies and interests.
a woman
When you're talking about a group of people in general, you can sometimes use the form "a ___":
A man likes to come home and relax after work.
A college student is going to go to parties. That's just the reality of things.
like, (something)
English speakers use the word "like" for many reasons. One way that we use "like" is to show hesitation. You hesitate when:
- you are unsure of something
- you're afraid that your words will make other people upset
- you can't think of the right word to complete your thought
Here are some examples:
You have to fill out a lot of, like, forms and paperwork.
I know that you're upset, but, like, maybe you should calm down.
This is a habit that English speakers (especially young people) have in spoken English. We don't usually use "like" this way in writing.