“Yuuki in particular seemed interested in going.”
You're a teacher having lunch with your colleagues. You tell them about an idea you suggested to your class: going to visit City Hall. You mention to the other teachers that one of your students seemed especially excited.
Yuuki in particular seemed interested in going.
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interested in (doing something)
Use "interested in ___ing" to talk about things that you want to do, when you're discussing them in a general way. "Want" has an immediate feeling. You use it for something that you want to do soon:
I want to go to Disney Land!
But you use "interested in ___ing" for things that you think would be fun, but you're not planning on doing them really soon and you might not do them. This is good for asking people questions about something you might do in the future:
Are you interested in learning French? I'm thinking of taking a class, but I don't think I'd really be able to stick with it unless I had a friend taking it with me.
in particular
"In particular" means "especially":
Class C in particular seemed to be really excited about it.
Class C especially seemed to be really excited about it.
There are a few differences, though. You can't use "in particular" before an adjective, but you can use "especially":
You look especially nice today.
"In particular" usually comes after the thing that it describes:
The Editing Department in particular seemed really well-run.