“Your funds will be available in two to three business days.”
You work at a bank. A customer is depositing his check. You tell him when he will be able to use that money.
Your funds will be available in two to three business days.
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(someone's) funds
"Funds" means "money". We use the word "funds" when talking about money in a technical sort of way. Here are some examples:
The survey seemed innocuous until it asked for a bank-account number for depositing funds.
The school system is constantly complaining about their lack of funds, yet here they are spending millions of dollars to renovate their football field.
There's another meaning to the word "fund", which is a bank account or a set of money that's set aside for a specific purpose:
- a mutual fund
- a campaign fund
- a pension fund
(number) to (number) business days
"Business days" are days that a company is normally open. In the U.S., business days for most companies are Monday through Friday, or sometimes Monday through Saturday.
Businesses sometimes explain how long something will take in terms of business days. For example:
Your new card should arrive in seven to ten business days.
The charge will show up on your account in two to three business days.