“You know what helps me is as soon as the pain starts, I take an aspirin or something to stop the inflammation.”
You're talking to a friend who often has sinus pain. You have the same problem, so you share how you usually deal with it.
You know what helps me is as soon as the pain starts, I take an aspirin or something to stop the inflammation.
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(do something) as soon as (something happens)
The phrase "as soon as" expresses something that happens immediately after something else:
He called as soon as he heard the news.
Another way of expressing a similar idea is "when":
I'll start dinner when I finish writing this e-mail.
But you use "as soon as" to emphasize that you're doing it as quickly as you can. So this phrase is useful in situations where you're making an excuse for being late.
You know what (does something) is (something).
This is an expression that people sometimes use in spoken English:
You know what makes them even better is to mix a little salt in with the chocolate.
You know what's interesting is that she didn't even start playing until she was in her late teens, which is almost unheard of.
You know what I miss most about living there is how easy it was to walk everywhere.
This form isn't exactly grammatically correct, so in written English you would write something like:
Do you know what makes them even better? Mixing a little salt in with the chocolate.
What I miss most about living there is how easy it was to walk everywhere.
(something) helps (pain)
Use the word "helps" to talk about something that reduces pain:
Here, take this. It'll help.
It helps to put some ice on it.
Aspriin was one of the first kinds of pain medication. Because of that, the word "aspirin" is still sometimes used to talk about pain relievers in general:
Take an aspirin or something.
"Inflammation" is a condition in your body. It happens when muscles and other parts of your body swell, become warm, itch, become painful, and show other symptoms.
Inflammation can be caused by injuries, infections, and even by what you eat.