“You can't show up to an interview with scuffed shoes and your shirt untucked!”
Your teenage son is going for a job interview. He tried to dress up for it, but he still doesn't look very neat. You yell at him a little bit to dress more nicely and say this.
You can't show up to an interview with scuffed shoes and your shirt untucked!
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show up to (an event)
"Showing up to" an interview, a meeting, or an event means attending it or arriving at it:
Hey, you showed up! Welcome!
(something) is scuffed
"Scuffed" shoes have been rubbed by something, so part of the leather is a lighter color. This is different from being "scratched", which means that there are clear lines showing on it.
Things that can be "scuffed" include:
- leather objects
- wood floors
- the paint on a car
an untucked shirt
Shirts are usually long enough to hang below the top of your pants. When this happens, you have two choices: you can put your shirt inside of your pants, or outside. Putting it inside is called "tucking your shirt in":
Hey, tuck your shirt in.
Putting it outside is called "leaving your shirt untucked".
I think it looks better if you leave it untucked.
If your shirt is coming out of your waistline just a little, you can call it "untucked".