“What else can go wrong today?”
You're having a bad day. You are at home with your husband. While you're writing a document on your computer, the program crashes and you lose all the work you've done. You make this complaint.
What else can go wrong today?
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what else
"Else" means "other things". It's often used with questions:
Who else is coming?
We should definitely go. When else will we get a chance to visit Spain?
"What else" means "what other things". You start a question with "what else" when you have some examples of things, but you want more:
What else should we bring?
What else can I say? I've already apologized multiple times.
(something) goes wrong
When a plan, an action, or a situation "goes wrong", it means that there are problems:
What went wrong at your birthday party?
If anything goes wrong, call me immediately.
When an object, like a car or a toilet, has problems, you don't say that it "went wrong". Instead you say "it's messed up", "it broke", "it has problems", etc.:
The hood of my car is kind of messed up.
My laptop broke last week. I have to get a new one.
What else can go wrong?
When a lot of things have gone wrong in a day or a short period of time, and then you find out about another problem, you say:
What else can go wrong?
This is a way of complaining about the number of problems.
The stress in this sentence is on the word "else".