“This place is a complete ripoff.”
You're at a restaurant with a close friend. The prices were high, and when you get your meal, it's small and not very tasty. You say this.
This place is a complete ripoff.
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a place
You can call a restaurant a "place" in casual conversation:
There's a place on 6th Street that's pretty good.
You can also describe what kind of restaurant it is:
Have you been to that new pizza place up on 83rd Street?
There's this amazing Italian place we go to sometimes. I have to take you there.
And you can call a bar or dance club a "place" as well:
Do you want to have a drink? I know a place nearby.
(something) is a ripoff
The phrase "rip (someone) off" means to charge too much money for something:
They charge two hundred dollars an hour? They're ripping you off!
Call something "a ripoff" when it's way too expensive.
Eighty dollars for a meal? What a ripoff!
If it's even more expensive, call it "a complete ripoff".
You can call a store, a restaurant, or a single product "a ripoff".
a complete (something)
Use "complete" to intensify a noun (make it sound stronger):
This trip was a complete disaster!
She was a complete joy to work with.
If you want to intensify an adjective instead, you can use "completely":
I'm completely exhausted!