“This happens every time we eat here. They screw up our order.”
At a restaurant with some friends, you order french fries but receive chicken wings. This has happened a few times in the past. You complain to your friends.
This happens every time we eat here. They screw up our order.
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Every time (someone) (does something), (something happens)
This expression describes a situation that often happens, especially a negative situtation:
Every time I ask her to help out, she gets all angry and defensive!
Every time we eat here, they screw up our order.
So what do you say when something good consistently happens? "Always"
You're always smiling whenever we see her.
screw (something) up
To "screw up ___" means to make a mistake. It's a phrasal verb that can work like this:
I screwed up the recipe and it ended up way too dry.
Or like this:
I screwed it up.
You can also use "screw up" by itself like this:
He just won’t admit he screwed up.
A similar phrase is “mess (something) up,” which has the same meaning but is a little bit more polite.
(someone’s) order
This is all of the food and drink you asked for, or ordered, at a restaurant. For example, your order might be two hamburgers, one iced tea and a lemonade. Use "order" like this:
I’m just gonna run in and pick up my order.
They brought our order out really quickly.