“There's a tournament being held in April that I was thinking about signing up for...”
You take kickboxing classes. You saw an advertisement for a competition and thought that you'd like to try it. You mention it to your teacher to see what she thinks.
There's a tournament being held in April that I was thinking about signing up for...
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sign up for (something)
When you "sign up for" an event or activity, it means that you fill out a form that shows that you want to join. For example:
I signed up for an aerobics class at the gym.
We decided to sign up this year for the Walk Against Cancer.
You can also "sign up" someone else (usually a child) for an activity:
Maybe we should sign Gavin up for violin classes.
there's (something)(doing something)
Use "there's ___" when you're describing a situation that's happening now:
There's someone at the door.
There's some food in the kitchen, if you're hungry.
Or something that's planned for the near future:
There's a game coming on at four.
It's also common to describe what something is doing using "there's":
There's a woman staring at you over there.
There's a humming noise coming from the refrigerator.
There's some cake sitting on the counter.
a tournament is held (at a certain place and time)
A "tournament" is a competition between lots of people or teams. Usually one person or team is named as the champion at the end of the tournament.
To talk about a tournament happening, use the phrase "be held", followed by the time of the tournament, the location, or both:
It's held between late March to early April each year.
Where is next year's tournament being held?
Aside from tournaments, other events that are "held" include:
- conferences
- concerts
- meetings
- a hearing
I was thinking about (doing something)
Talk about a plan that you've considered with this phrase:
I've been thinking about signing up for an English writing course.
I've been thinking about dyeing my hair again.