“Their current President is a former business executive.”
The topic of Korean politics came up at a dinner with a group of coworkers. You know more about this topic than the other people, so you're explaining some facts about South Korea to them. This is what you tell them about South Korea's president.
Their current President is a former business executive.
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the current (something)
"Current" means "now". But "now" can't be used as an adjective. So we use the word "current" instead. In the example above, the "current President" is the person who is President of South Korea right now. Here are some other examples:
He had two kids with his ex-wife, but he doesn't have any with his current wife.
Their current computer system is really old and hard to use, so they're looking to replace it.
a former (something)
"Former" is used just like the word "current", but it means "before". A "former business executive" is someone who used to be a business executive. Use the word "former" to talk about:
- former presidents
- the former Soviet Union (This is the country that used to be called "The Soviet Union" and is now Russia and several other countries.)
- the former director of (some organization)
- your former employer
an executive
An "executive" is a person with a high position in a company, like a CEO, President, or Vice President.
Use the word "executive" when you want to talk about someone who has a high-ranking job in a company, but you don't think it's important to talk about the person's specific job title:
Several of their top executives have been accused of insider trading.