“The laundry room is closed for repairs until further notice.”
Your apartment building has a room where you can do your laundry. When you go there one day, it's closed and there's a sign on the door that explains why.
The laundry room is closed for repairs until further notice.
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the laundry room
A "laundry room" is the room in a house or apartment building where you can wash your clothes. It has washing machines and dryers.
(a place) is closed for repairs
When construction is being done to a store, a part of a building, etc., you can say that it's "closed for repairs". You can also say that it's "closed for construction" or "closed for renovations". All of these phrases mean that you can't go in unless you're working on the repairs or construction.
(a situation continues) until further notice
"Until further notice" is a formal phrase. It means that a situation will continue until someone tells you that the situation has changed. For example:
You are suspended from duty until further notice.
We are instituting a hiring freeze until further notice.
We are in a state of emergency. Please return to your home and remain there until further notice.
We're closed for construction until further notice.