“Some people say that The Bible doesn't apply to modern life. Well, I couldn't disagree more. ”
You're a Christian. You believe that people should follow the teachings of the Bible more, but you know that this is not a very popular opinion. You share your opinion with a friend.
Some people say that The Bible doesn't apply to modern life. Well, I couldn't disagree more.
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(something) doesn't apply to (something)
When a rule or question is for other people, not for you, you can say that it "doesn't apply to" you.
For example, if you work at a store, there might be a sign on one of the doors saying "Do not enter." However, that sign is for customers. Since you're not a customer, you can enter that room. The sign "doesn't apply to" you.
Here are some examples of "apply to ___" in sentences:
Some people say that the Bible doesn't apply to modern life. Well, I couldn't disagree more.
The tuition discount only applies to people who have been living within the state for three years or longer.
Well, (sentence)
One way to use the word "Well" is when you're debating or arguing with someone. You say "Well," at the start of your sentence when you're responding to the other person's idea. It shows that you heard their idea but you don't agree with them. For example:
A: You never came to any of my basketball games!
B: Well, you never even told me about them.
Some people say (something).
Use this phrase to share an opinion that you've heard in a few different places. For example, if you heard something once from your cousin, read it once on a website, and so on, you can say:
Some people say you can tell whether a child is going to be a boy or a girl based on what kind of food the mother craves.
When you say "some people say", it seems like you're not sure whether it's true or not. You're waiting until you have more information.
The Bible
The Bible is the name of the holy book that Christians follow. In writing, we capitalize both words:
The Bible teaches us to love each other and be compassionate.
I couldn't disagree more.
If you strongly disagree with someone's opinion, you can say this:
I couldn't disagree more.
Of course, disagreeing with someone so clearly may start an argument so you should be careful when you use this phrase. Use it when someone has said an opinion that you think is dangerous and completely wrong.
You can also say the opposite:
A: I think that this is a great opportunity for both of our companies.
B: I couldn't agree more.
"I couldn't agree more" sounds very positive.