“OK, let me take these ideas to Management and see what they think.”
You had a meeting with your department. You discussed ideas for solving a problem. Before you make a decision, you need to present your solutions to some senior people in the company.
OK, let me take these ideas to Management and see what they think.
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see what (someone) thinks
The word "see" can be used to mean "find out" or "learn" in situations like this.
This phrase can be used in casual or business settings:
Show this to the agency and see what they think.
I wrote a story, and I wanted to see what you thought of it.
Let me (do something)
When you see or hear the words "Let me...", you may think that the speaker is asking for permission, but that's not true. This phrase is used in both casual and formal situations to announce what you're going to do:
Let me give you a few examples.
This is more confident-sounding than "I'd like to ___". It's more polite than "I'm going to ___."
One of the ways that English speakers use "OK" is to signal a change in the flow of conversation.
For example, before you begin a meeting everyone might be making small talk and chatting about different topics. To start the serious business part of the meeting, you can start with "OK".
You can also use "OK" when you want to:
- start a new topic of conversation
announce a decision
ask other people to make a decision
end a conversation
"Management" means the people who have authority in a company or a department: managers, directors, vice presidents, etc.
People talk about "Management" when they want to make a distinction between normal employees in a company and the people who make important decisions. Even someone who is a boss or manager can use the word "Management" to talk about the people who rank higher in the company:
Sorry, I don't like this policy either but it's coming straight down from management. There's nothing I can do about it.