“Oh, my gosh. Are you kidding? I'm ecstatic!”
You're leaving next week to study abroad. A friend asks if you're excited about it. You're very, very excited so you answer enthusiastically.
Oh, my gosh. Are you kidding? I'm ecstatic!
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(someone) is ecstatic
"Ecstatic" means really, really happy. Things that might make a person "ecstatic" include:
- winning the lottery
- getting an amazing job
- getting engaged
"Ecstatic" is an "ungradable" adjective. It's similar to these:
I've been having excruciating sinus headaches for the last few days.
Adjectives like these shouldn't be used with adverbs like "very" or "a little". That's because "very" is already included in the meaning of the word.
Oh my gosh
Say "Oh my gosh!" when you're surprised by something:
Oh my gosh! Look! She's taking her first step!
Oh my gosh! It looks like there was some kind of accident.
"Oh my gosh!" is a more polite version of "Oh my God!". Some people don't like it when others say "Oh my God!" so "Oh my gosh!" is a version that you can use around people you don't know very well.
Are you kidding?
When someone asks you a yes or no question, and the answer is very obvious, you can answer with "Are you kidding?":
A: Claire, will you marry me?
B: Are you kidding? Of course I will!
To "kid" someone means to make a kind of joke. So when you ask "Are you kidding?" it kind of means "Is it a joke that you're asking me this question? You should already know the answer!"
This phrase usually sounds friendly and positive.