“Now it's just a matter of getting everything unpacked!”
You're moving into a new apartment. The moving company that you hired has delivered all of your stuff to the new apartment. Now you have to unpack it. You think this to yourself.
Now it's just a matter of getting everything unpacked!
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You can use the word "now" to talk about actions that are starting now, and will continue into the future:
I've finished reading the first book. Now I'm going to move on to the second book.
I spent all day shopping. Now I'm going to see a movie with my boyfriend!!!
Some English users use "from now" in this kind of situation, but that's not right.
it's a matter of (doing something)
Use this phrase to talk about accomplishing some kind of goal. You explain what the most important or last step toward that goal is with the phrase "it's just a matter of ___":
You'll get the hang of it soon. It's just a matter of relaxing your shoulders and swinging the club smoothly all the way through.
We've gotten permission from the city council to do it. Now it's just a matter of finding the funds to make it happen.
You can also use a noun after "it's just a matter of":
Anyone can do it. It's just a matter of practice.
In the example at top, the woman's goal is to get all of her stuff settled in her new apartment. Unpacking the boxes is the next big step toward her goal. That's why she thinks "It's just a matter of getting everything unpacked."
get (something)(done)
To "get something done" just means to do it. In the situation above, the speaker could say:
Now it's just a matter of unpacking everything.
The difference is just in what's emphasized in each expression. When you talk about "___ing" something, there's more emphasis on the action itself. When you talk about "getting something done", the emphasis is on the result.
Here are some examples to illustrate the difference:
Darling, can you put those dishes away?
Darling, can you get those dishes put away? James and Amanda are coming over soon.
I'm going to put the kids to bed now.
I'll get the kids put to bed, and then we can watch the rest of that movie.