“Maybe a few of us can all chip in and get her something really nice for her baby shower.”
One of your friends is pregnant and about to have her baby. There's going to be a party for her next week. You want to get her something expensive, so you'd like to get three or four friends to buy it for her together. You suggest this to one of your friend.
Maybe a few of us can all chip in and get her something really nice for her baby shower.
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Maybe (someone) can (do something)
This is a polite and careful way to make a suggestion.
Maybe Charles can help you find a job at his company...
Maybe we can do it on Saturday instead...
chip in
To "chip in" means to help with something that a group of people is doing. Sometimes "chipping in" means giving money. In the example above, the speaker wants her friend to "chip in" by giving some money for the gift.
Someone can also "chip in" by volunteering their time or work:
Come on, guys! If we all chip in and help, we'll have this place clean in no time!
"Chip in" is only used to talk about groups of people. Volunteering alone to help someone isn't really "chipping in".
get (someone) something
This means to buy a gift for someone:
Look! I got you something.
In negative sentences and questions, replace "something" with "anything":
I haven't gotten him anything for our anniversary yet.
Did you get me anything?
(someone's) baby shower
A "baby shower" is a party that you throw for someone who's going to have a baby. At a baby shower, you give the expecting parents things that they'll need for their baby, like clothes, toys, bottles, etc.
There are also "wedding showers", which are parties for a woman who's about to get married.