“Look on the bright side. You've still got your health and your family.”
Your friend just lost his job. You're having a drink with him and talking to him about it. You say this because you want to encourage him.
Look on the bright side. You've still got your health and your family.
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Look on the bright side.
This is an expression that means "Think positively." People use this expression when they're talking to someone who's having a problem. After saying "Look on the bright side", the speaker then says something good that the person who's having the problem can be happy about. Here are some other examples of things that you could say to someone who lost his or her job:
Look on the bright side. At least you won't have to wake up early to go to work now.
Look on the bright side. You're young, you've got a good degree. I'm sure you'll have a new job in no time.
you've got your health
To "have" your health means to be well, and to not have any medical problems.
This phrase is used when you're trying to point out the good things in a person's life. It's especially used when you're talking about older people, who sometimes have a lot of health problems.