“Look at the size of those teeth! Man, I wouldn't want to come across one of those out in the wild.”
You're watching a documentary about tigers. There's a shot of a tiger that looks really scary. You imagine how dangerous it would be to be close to a tiger like that. You comment on it to your nephew, who's watching the show with you.
Look at the size of those teeth! Man, I wouldn't want to come across one of those out in the wild.
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come across (something)
This phrase means to find something without really trying to look for it:
But sometimes you'll be flipping through the channels and come across something really interesting.
Aren't these great? I came across them at a thrift shop a couple weeks ago.
The expression "Man!" shows strong emotions, like shock, fear, admiration, envy, surprise, annoyance, etc..
For example:
Man, I am so exhausted.
Man! This computer is taking forever to start up!
Man! What a gorgeous sunset!
You can use "Man!" when speaking to both men and women, because you're not saying it to anyone. You just say it to show an emotion.
"Man" is casual, but it's completely polite. It's a lot more polite than other words with similar meaning, like "Shit!"
Look at the size of that (thing)!
Say this when you see something really big:
Look at the size of those teeth! Man, I wouldn't want to come across one of those out in the wild.
Look at the size of that guy's shoulder muscles! He looks like the Incredible Hulk!
This phrase expresses feelings of surprise and admiration.
(out) in the wild
The phrase "in the wild" means "in nature". Use this phrase to talk about animals and plants that are living in nature, rather than being kept "in captivity" by humans in a zoo, a garden, someone's home, etc.
In the wild, they can grow to be over 4 meters long.
Interestingly, we sometimes use this expression now to talk about things that people make like products or computer programs:
Everything seems to work, but we won't know for sure until we see how people are using it in the wild.