“Let's just weed out the ones that don't have a photo attached.”
You're making a short film. You placed an ad for an actor on a website, and got a lot of responses. Now you need to go through the them, but that's going to take a long time. You want to get rid of some of them quickly. You give this task to your assistant director.
Let's just weed out the ones that don't have a photo attached.
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Let's just (do something)
You say "let's just (do something)" when you want to suggest a plan that you think is the simplest and fastest.
weed out (something)
When you have a lot of choices, you "weed out" some of the choices by taking away all of the ones that don't match certain requirements. So "weeding out" something means getting rid of it because it's not good.
For example, employers often "weed out" job applicants who have spelling mistakes on their resumes, or ones who don't have the right educational background.
the one(s) that (clause)
You use this phrase to identify things by telling some characteristics that they have. For example:
You can choose the ones that interest you.
The tastiest berries are the ones that are just a little bit soft and come off the vine easily.
have a (file) attached
An e-mail message sometimes includes a photo or other file. These files are called "attachments". When there is a file attached to an email message, you say that the message "has a (file) attached.