“Janu is going to be filling in for me while I'm out on maternity leave.”
You're pregnant. You'll be out of the office for several weeks when you have your baby. Your boss has hired a temporary worker to do your job while you're gone. Now you're introducing her to some of your coworkers.
Janu is going to be filling in for me while I'm out on maternity leave.
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(someone) is filling in for (someone)
When a person is doing someone else's job for a short time, they are "filling in for" that person.
For example, if you go on a two-week vacation, a coworker might have to fill in for you while you're gone.
(something) is going to be (happening)
Use "is going to be ___ing" to talk about an action that:
- has been planned for the future
- is going to continuw for a period of time
For example:
We're going to be working together on a project starting next month.
I'm going to be DJing at a club this weekend. You should come out and check it out.
(someone) is out on maternity leave
"Leave" is a break from your job. There are several different types of leave:
- sick leave
- vacation leave
- maternity leave
"Maternity leave" is time that women get off of work when they have a baby. Depending on the country and company, the length of maternity leave can range from a few weeks to over a year.
When a person is taking leave and isn't at work, you describe them as being "out on leave":
Sorry, but Mr. Schumacher is out on sick leave.