“It gets monotonous after a while, don't you think?”
Your friend plays some electronic music for you and asks what you think about it. You think that it's boring because the melody doesn't change much throughout the song.
It gets monotonous after a while, don't you think?
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don't you think?
Use this question to ask for agreement from a listener. People use this expression when:
- they're making a suggestion:
You should ask the professor for help, don't you think?
- they want to state their opinion, but they don't feel confident enough to just directly say it
- they want the listeners to feel included in the statement
Wow. I love this place. It's great, don't you think?
- they want the listener to admit that something is true:
You're too old for that, don't you think?
get (adjective)
The word "get" can sometimes mean "become":
Don't get angry at me!
Oh no, it got wet!
(something) is monotonous
The word "monotonous" means "boring". Monotonous things are boring because they continue for a long time without changing. For example, a song that has the same chorus repeated 30 times without changing could be called "monotonous":
This song is so damn monotonous!
Some examples of things that you can describe as "monotonous" include:
someone's monotonous voice
a monotonous landscape
a monotonous task
(something happens) after a while
"A while" is a short or medium length of time. It can be a few minutes, hours, or days, depending on the situation.
You use the phrase "after a while" to talk about something that was the same for a while, then changed:
After a while, the deer started to get used to us and come closer.