“I'm sure it's perfectly safe, but it has a funny taste.”
You're talking to a friend about why you drink bottled water instead of the tap water at home. Your tap water doesn't taste good. You're a little worried that it's not healthy, but you don't want to seem too worried, so you say this.
I'm sure it's perfectly safe, but it has a funny taste.
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I'm sure (clause)
You actually say "I'm sure (something is true)" when you are not completely sure. You use it when you're guessing about something. The level of sureness is similar to "probably". But saying:
They probably won't mind.
sounds a little more careful, while:
I'm sure they won't mind.
sounds more confident.
When you use this phrase in writing, you should use "that":
I'm sure that it's perfectly safe.
perfectly safe
"Perfectly" means "completely" or "totally". It's used with these phrases:
- perfectly normal
- perfectly good
- to be perfectly honest,
- perfectly white
- sit perfectly still
You use the phrase "perfectly safe" when you're talking about something that people think isn't safe. You say that it is "perfectly safe", meaning that you don't think there are any problems with it:
It's perfectly safe to take a healthy newborn out of the house as soon as you're ready.
"Perfectly good" is used in the same way.
have a funny taste
When food or drinks "have a funny taste", it means that they taste like there's something wrong with them.
"Funny" can mean "bad", "wrong", or "strange" in some situations. It has this meaning in these phrases:
Something smells funny.
She's been acting funny lately.