“I'll take that as a 'no'?”
You asked your friend if he wanted to go out to a dance club with you. He just laughed. He doesn't usually go to clubs, so you think that his laughing means that he doesn't want to go.
I'll take that as a 'no'?
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I'll take that as a '(yes/no)'.
When someone's response to a question isn't clear, you might have to guess what their answer is. You can announce what you think their answer is with the phrase "I'll take that as a ___"
I'll take that as a "yes", then.
This means "It seems like you meant yes, so I'll act as if you've said "yes" to my question."
You can also use this phrase as a joke when someone has been very, very clear about their answer:
A: Hey, do you want to go camping with me one of these days?
B: Camping? Hell no! Absolutely, positively not. Never in a million years.
A: OK... well, I'll take that as a "no".
Note that you always use "a" before "yes" or "no" when you use this phrase.