“If you decide somewhere down the road that you need some of the more advanced features, you can always sell it and upgrade to a more advanced model.”
You work at an electronics store. A customer wants to buy a camera, but isn't sure if he should get a cheaper one or a more professional one. You don't think he needs the professional camera, so you're trying to convince him to buy the cheaper camera.
If you decide somewhere down the road that you need some of the more advanced features, you can always sell it and upgrade to a more advanced model.
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down the road
The phrase "down the road" means "some time in the future".
English speakers especially use "down the road" when discussing decisions. Some decisions can be changed "down the road". Other decisions might have bad consequences "down the road".
For example:
Yeah, it works for now. I'm worried that it could present some problems down the road, though.
Ten or fifteen years down the road, you may decide that you want to move somewhere bigger.
advanced features
Electronics, appliances, and software programs have "features". Features are useful things that the product is able to do.
"Advanced features" are abilities that are more difficult to use or not needed by most people. For example, a professional photographer would need a camera with "advanced features", but a typical family would not.
a model (of a product)
Products such as electronics and cars usually have new "models" each year or every few years. The new "model" has an updated design and new features.
By the way, some products don't have new "models". For example, computer software has new "versions" instead of "models". Books that are updated have new "editions".
you can always do (something)
Use this expression to communicate that a decision is not permanent; it can be changed later.
For example, if someone has tried to recruit your friend for a job, you might have a conversation like this:
A: I don't know if I want to leave my current job...
B: Well, you can always go for the interview and decide later once they've made a job offer.
upgrade (something) to (something)
"Upgrading" something means getting a better version. Here are some things that you can "upgrade":
- upgrade your seat on an airplane to first class
- upgrade your computer to a newer model
- upgrade to PhraseMix Premium