“I hear you're training to run a marathon.”
You're chatting with a coworker. You heard someone talking about her last week because she's training intensely for a marathon. You mention this to her because you want to learn more.
I hear you're training to run a marathon.
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I hear (clause)
Use "I hear ___" when someone tells you information about a person and then you want to talk with the person about it. It's a good way to start a conversation with someone at a party or other social situation.
So I hear you speak Korean.
I hear you're training to run a marathon.
(someone) is training to (do something)
When someone is preparing for an athletic competition or performance, you can say that they "are training to ___". For example:
She's trainining to climb Mount Everest.
That dude works out like he's training to compete in the UFC or something.
You can also "train for" something:
They're training for the 2020 Olympics.
run a marathon
A "marathon" is a race which is about 42 kilometers or 26 miles long.
When someone competes in a marathon, you use the phrase "run a marathon":
My boss runs a marathon every year.
Have you ever run a marathon?