“I don't get what I'm supposed to do.”
You're in a training session at your job. The trainer has given a long explanation of a new product, and then asks you to try it together with another person. You're confused about what exactly your task is.
I don't get what I'm supposed to do.
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I don't get (clause)
Use the phrase "I don't get ___" to talk about things that you don't understand:
I don't get this movie.
You can follow "I don't get ___" with a clause that starts with a question word like "what", "why", "how", etc.:
I don't get why he said that.
I don't get what I'm supposed to do.
I don't get how this works.
what (something) is supposed to (do/be)
One of the ways to use the phrase "supposed to ___" is to talk about what a person intended, or what they were trying to communicate.
For example, if you see a number written down, but it's not clear, you can ask:
Is this supposed to be an 8?
Or if your friend says something that might be critical of you, you can angrily ask:
What's that supposed to mean?
This means something like "Why did you say that?"