“He could at least say 'hi' or something.”
You're having after-work drinks with coworkers and complaining about the director of your department. You've complained that he doesn't acknowledge that you're there when you see him outside of the office. Now you're continuing to talk about it, and how you think he should act. You say this.
He could at least say 'hi' or something.
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(someone) could at least (do something)
In this type of sentence, "could" doesn't mean "was able to" like in this sentence:
You could see Times Square from the window of his office.
Instead, "could" is used as a suggestion. It means "He should say hi."
The phrase "(someone) could at least (do something)" is used when you think someone is acting totally wrongly. In the example above, the speaker actually wants the director to be friendly and start a conversation if they see each other. But even if he doesn't act that friendly, she thinks that he should at least say "hi". So saying that someone "could at least ___" is a way to complain and tell what you think someone should do as the basic, minimum effort.
Other versions of this are:
He could say "hi" at the very least.
At least he could say "hi".
say "hi"
"Say 'hi'" is a common phrase to use when you're talking about greeting someone:
I was just calling to say "hi".
Say "hi" to Jeff for me, will you?
or something
You can use "or something" at the end of your sentence to show that you're flexible, and you don't mind if something different happens.
For example, you can say this if you're thinking about getting a pet dog:
I think I'd like to get a Labrador or something.
This means that you would like to get a dog that's similar to a Labrador, but you won't be upset if you get a different breed instead.