“Don't tell me you're tired already!”
You take your kids to the amusement park for a day of fun. After an hour, your youngest says he wants to go home.
Don't tell me you're tired already!
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Use "already" to talk about something that happened more quickly than was expected:
He just bought it two weeks ago and it's already broken!
"Already" can go in a few different spots in a sentence. It can go before an adjective:
Don't tell me you're already tired.
Or it can go at the end:
I'm tired already.
It sounds a bit strange to put it before "are" or "am", although "already" can go before most verbs:
I already spent all of it.
You already took one, didn't you?
Don't tell me (clause)
Use this phrase to check your guess about something and show your surprise at the same time.
For example, imagine that your old friend from college who you haven't seen in 10 years has a son, Nathan. The last time you saw Nathan, he was 4 years old. Now you run into your friend on the street and she's with a young man who looks a little bit like your friend. You can say:
Don't tell me this is Nathan!
This means "This is Nathan, isn't it?" as well as "I can't believe this is Nathan!"
Here are some more examples:
Don't tell me you're tired already!
Don't tell me you've never seen "Titanic"!
Don't tell me there's no peanut butter left!
We use this expression in spoken English, not in writing.