“Don't make me pull this car over!”
You're driving somewhere with your son riding in the back seat. He's misbehaving, and you want him to stop. You threaten to punish him like this.
Don't make me pull this car over!
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pull over
When you're driving, to "pull over" means to stop your car on the side of the road. You might have to "pull over" when a police car stops you, when you have engine trouble, or when you need to look at a map. Here's an example:
When there's an ambulance or fire truck approaching, you're supposed to pull over to the side of the road and let them pass.
You can use "pull over" by itself like in this example. Or you can use it with an object like this:
You're supposed to pull your vehicle over to the side of the road.
Don't make me (do something)!
This is a phrase that's most often used by parents or teachers talking to misbehaving children. You say "Don't make me (do something)!" to threaten some kind of punishment. For example:
Don't make me come up there!
Don't make me call your mother!
As you can see, the parent doesn't directly state what the punishment is going to be; it's just a vague threat of something bad that's going to happen if the child continues to behave badly.