“Darn, I don't have anything to peel it with!”
You brought an avocado to work to eat with your lunch. However, you didn't remember to bring a knife. You say this to yourself.
Darn, I don't have anything to peel it with!
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People say this when they're frustrated or disappointed:
Darn! My shirt ripped.
I missed my bus. Darn!
"Darn!" is a lighter version of the curse word "Damn!" People who don't like to curse can say "darn" instead. Or you can say "darn" if you're around young children, or want to sound polite.
I don't have anything to (do something) with.
This expression is useful for talking about a tool that you don't have:
A: Can you write this down?
B: I don't have anything to write with.
This screw is coming loose, but I don't have anything to screw it in with.
peel (a fruit or vegetable)
"Peeling" a fruit or vegetable means taking the skin off of it, either with a knife or with your hands. People peel things like:
- oranges
- cucumbers
- carrots
- bananas
- boiled eggs