“Can you pull up the pricing estimate I sent out last week?”
You're working with a coworker on a sales proposal in her office. You need some information that's in a document which you emailed to her. You ask her to open it.
Can you pull up the pricing estimate I sent out last week?
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Can you (do something)?
This is a way to ask someone to do something. It's appropriate for:
- a boss to use with the people who work for him or her
- a customer to use with a store employee
- a parent to use with his or her children
- asking a friend to help you with something
"Can you ___" is more direct than asking "Could you..."
Sometimes a person will include "maybe" in this question:
Can you maybe call him and tell him to meet us there?
Can you maybe turn the volume down just a little?
send (something) out
When you add "out" to the verb "send", it suggests that you are sending it to more than one person:
We sent out our wedding invitations 6 months before the wedding.
This phrase can be used in casual or business settings. In a very formal setting, you can use the phrase "distribute (something)" instead:
Did you receive the revised schedule that I distributed on March 7th?
pull up (a file on a computer)
When you're using a computer or mobile phone, "pulling up" a file means opening it.
You can pull up:
- a photo
- a web page
- a spreadsheet
- a document
- an email
However, "pull up" is probably not correct for talking about opening a music file or a game.
Use this phrase in casual or more formal situations.
an estimate
An "estimate" is a formal guess about how much something is going to cost. You can make an estimate for things like:
- a construction project
- a software product that your company is building
Estimates are often documents which show in detail the expected costs for something. However, if someone tells you the expected price in a meeting or over the phone, that can also be called a "pricing estimate".