“At this time, would all department heads please report to Conference Room A?”
There's an emergency situation at your company. You need to have a meeting with all of the managers. You make an announcement over the building's speaker system.
At this time, would all department heads please report to Conference Room A?
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at this time
"At this time" is a formal way of saying "now".
People use this phrase when making formal announcements:
We have nothing further to report at this time.
At this time, would all department heads please report to Conference Room A?
Would (someone) please (do something)?
This is a formal way to ask someone to do something:
Would you please wait here in the lobby?
This phrase is often used for announcements to a large group of people.
Would the owner of a gray Honda Civic parked in the front of the building please move your car?
report to (somewhere)
"Reporting to" a location means going to that place. Once you go there, you will check in or meet with someone.
Clarence McKellar, please report to the principal's office.
department heads
The leader of a department in a company can be called the "department head":
Who's the department head for Corporate Finance?
a conference room
A "conference room" is a large meeting room.